
Monday, August 27, 2012

An Open Letter

An Open Letter to Everyone Who Has Ever Said, “I Just Want to Do Something I Love With My Life”

I used to be just like you.

I did all the right things. I went to college, declared a violin performance major, practiced up to seven hours solo per day, not including all the ensembles, chamber rehearsals, coachings and lessons I participated in. Then I graduated and moved across the country (for my art!) and spent thousands of more hours on a masters degree.

I am now self-employed “doing what I love”, and let me tell you a secret: the first time you are diagnosed with a potentially dangerous medical condition and cannot afford necessary blood work and/or follow up care, your “love”, your art, your life, and your passion will get a whole lot less fun, REALLY QUICKLY. Yes, I know you think it will never happen to you. I didn’t either. I am extremely healthy, I never get sick (in the sense of “catch a cold”), I run and do gymnastics and work out regularly and eat very healthy nutrient dense whole foods. But I was diagnosed with Raynaud's Phenomenon, which is where the capillaries in my toes randomly spasmed for no reason, leaving them purple for the coldest four months of each year. I was advised to have extensive blood work done, as Raynaud's can be indicative of an underlying rheumatoid condition, but there was no way I could afford it. So I'm hoping for the best.

So why am I writing this? If you are in high school, thinking about your college major, or if you know any high schoolers, I am pleading with you to tell them how critically important it is to choose an employable major over a fun major. Use me for an example if you want. But please choose a major with a potential for getting a job, with health benefits. Your life might very well depend on it in the future.

If you are young and not currently married, DO NOT assume that you will just get married to someone who will provide you benefits. You may never get married. And if you do get married, your spouse’s job might not have benefits either. Or they could lose their job. And they could decide to divorce you and leave you just as alone as before you were married. So counting on marriage to provide benefits is unreliable at best.

And even if you never ever get sick or injured, which is highly unlikely, if you ever want to be a mom, just having a baby (with a perfect delivery and no complications whatsoever) will run you about $10,000. That is a pretty large bill to foot on a job that probably doesn’t even give you paid time off.

Some of you may be saying “But even if I choose a traditionally employable job, I may still not land a job with benefits.” That is true, so you need to be smart and prepare yourself as well as you can. If you are still in school, keep your grades up. Do extra credit. Volunteer. Shadow. Study abroad. Take every opportunity that comes your way, because they will all boost your odds of getting a decent job. Yes, that means it will be a lot of hard work. But I promise it will not be as hard as trying to get out of medical debt in the future while working retail.


A Concerned Self-Employed Citizen With Crappy Health Insurance

Sunday, August 26, 2012

First steps into paleo

Recently I've been experimenting with a paleo/primal style of eating. It's primal because I do consume dairy products, but mainly just unhomogenized milk. I feel pretty strongly about UNhomogenized milk, because homogenization apparently blasts the fat particles into such small pieces that they can be absorbed differently than how humans have digested fat for thousands of years. I'm not a scientist or a dietician, but to me it just seems like we should probably consume food in the form that it's been in for thousands of years. In those forms, it also kept humans healthy and diabetes, heart problems, obesity and many other modern health problems were basically unheard of. So to me, it seems like there's a pretty good chance that part of our modern health crisis stems from artificial foods and ways of making/raising/preparing food. I.e. feeding animals GMO corn and soy, weird chemical fertilizers, etc. So I've been making a big effort to avoid these things.

The biggest reason I adopted a paleo diet about six weeks ago was because I was desperately trying to get rid of my hypoglycemia. Ever since my eating disorder, and even after recovery, I had major problems with low blood sugar, almost no matter what I ate. So eventually, even though I had been eating grains all along with what I thought was no reaction to them, I decided to cut them out and just give it a try.

The results were AMAZING!!

I lost eight pounds almost immediately without trying at all! I also stopped having low blood sugar spells, which improved my mood drastically. I also had more energy, and wasn't hungry ALL.THE.TIME. And I gained several new skills in gymnastics that I am convinced were due to losing a big of weight and gaining strength and energy!

Needless to say, I'm planning to be in this for the long haul. And honestly, I don't crave bread/pastries/etc that much because I know how crappy I'll feel. I definitely make some yummy chocolate desserts that I enjoy, but they don't send me into a hypoglycemic spell and I enjoy them so much more. The BIGGEST addition to my daily diet is COCONUT OIL!!! I LOVE it so much!! It makes me feel warm and happy and healthy. I literally use it for everything, from baking to sauteeing veggies in to cooking meat with. I've gone through four jars in the past couple of months! It's simply amazing! :)

I'll leave you with two amazing paleo meals I've enjoyed recently:

Shrimp, sauteed veggies with avocado, and strawberries!
Pesto chicken from Trader Joes with sauteed veggies. Of course in coconut oil! :)
I can't wait to see how much stronger I can get from my paleo diet and how many more gymnastics skills I learn!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ten Reasons Not to Date Me

An Open Letter to Guys, or 10 Reasons Why You Don’t Want to Date Me.

Dear Boys,

Recently more guys have expressed interest in me and/or asked me out. I’m writing this open letter to you regarding the matter. Consider this your warning.

1)    I talk too much and too loudly.

2)    I love food, and I will always eat to keep myself healthy and happy. When my 25 year old metabolism slows down, I make no promises that I won’t end up 50 pounds overweight when I’m in my 30s and 40s. You don’t want a fat girlfriend.

3)    I am a Christian with fairly strong moral convictions. This means that you might think I’m a religious weirdo.

4)    I am more specifically a feminist, liberal, egalitarian Christian. Which means that if you’re also a Christian, we probably won’t get along, theologically speaking.

5)    I am supremely selfish with my time. No, I don’t particularly want to spend a lot of time trying to enjoy your hobbies; I have my own. And no, I don’t want to plan my day around yours. That’s never going to happen.

6)     I am extremely unpredictable in what I say, think, feel and do. I’m a human being. I refuse to apologize for this, but it would probably (rightfully) infuriate you.

7)    I am cranky a vast majority of the time, whether it’s hunger, stress, fatigue, cold, or any combination therein. No really, you don’t want to date me. Got it?

8)    I don’t wear cute enough clothes. And I am sure as heck not going to dress in what you like me to wear in order to have you find me attractive. I wear what I like, and it’s not usually what guys find attractive.

9) I am a people pleaser to a fault. Oh, and I also hate conflict.

10)    I don’t –ever- want to get married. So why even bother to date me in the first place?

Yours Truly